Anyone who knows me the tiniest bit knows that I am a clothes horse. Although these days, more of a wishful clothes horse, sigh.... I still fantasize about the days when I could go guiltlessly shop around and come home with a bagful of sale rack treasures. My love of bargains often takes me to TJ Maxx or the Rack, but I also REALLY love expensive clothes too. I hate this about myself and have made many broken promises to only buy clothes here or there for cheap, but when it comes down to it, it just is not my nature to deny myself a pair of jeans that will bring me $200 worth of pleasure.
Snapping back to reality, I am like 50 weeks pregnant, I hate maternity clothes and I am soooo looking forward to digging into my clothes that have been tucked away for what seems like forever! I am also looking forward to some new additions to the closet, as I seem to ruthlessly purge my wardrobe with every pregnancy. However, Baby # 3 and staying at home will not be allowing me to shop, so my new promise to my wallet and hungry family is to make my own clothes!
Yesterday was my first attempt, and I love it! I can't wait to wear my new tunic with my old jeans. This pattern came from my mom's old collection, aren't the ladies stylin'? I modified my final product to be sleeveless and dug through my collection of trimmings for some old lace to border the bottom edge. Voila! A new shirt. I wonder if it will fit by Christmas?

Cutness and without a doubt you will fit but may need a sweater or a much deserved trip to Hawaii by that point!